Monument SWCD offers both technical and financial assistance to help landowners meet their land management needs. District staff can help write grants, and develop projects though funding partners to address land management projects that deal with improvements to water quality, irrigation efficiency, fish passage and noxious weeds among other project categories. We staff two full-time licensed public herbicide applicators. We have the most common herbicides on-site for sale, and can order herbicides to the office.

Weed Management
It is estimated that weeds have a total direct and indirect impact of 143 billion dollars per year within the United States. Within the state of Oregon the cost associated with just the twenty-one listed noxious weed species to Oregon residents is $125 million dollars a year in lost agricultural production, fire damage, and control expenses.
The SWCD employs 2 licensed pesticide applicators and has 2 ATV mounted spray rigs. Since our program began we have sprayed thousands of acres across a wide range of properties.

Herbicide Sales
Monument SWCD maintains a stock of common herbicides for sale. We can also order specific herbicides for specific needs. Two of the staff members are licensed pesticide applicators in the state of Oregon. The office is a licensed pesticide distributor. If you have a specific weed or a plant that is a mystery to you, bring it down to the office and we would be happy to help identify it.

Resource Planning
The Monument SWCD can help plan conservation and land management activates for a wide range of resource objectives. Our approach is to tour a property with the landowner to better understand the short term and long term goals of the owner/manager. Forestry, cattle management, water rights, irrigation, in-stream and riparian are some of the topics we often cover with a focus on landowner goals and watershed benefits.
OWEB: Large Grant Program These funds are available for more expensive projects (>$15K) to do: on-the-ground watershed restoration, assessment and/or monitoring of natural resources, watershed education or technical assistance.
OWEB: Small Grant Program: These funds are available through the John Day Basin small grant team. The funds are pulled from a pool of participating SWCD's and watershed councils. Projects must be less than $15K and demonstrate clear watershed benefits. A minimum 25% cost share is a requirement of the grant. Some of the categories that would be eligible are: Riparian fencing, pasture fencing, spring developments, and irrigation system improvements that improve in-stream water quality or quantity.
Oregon State Weed Board Grants: These funds are typically across multiple landowners properties and address a specific weed or suite of weeds. Noxious weed control must be either state or county listed weed species.